Your childs safety is important to us and it's one of our priorities. Here at aNew Way Assembly, all of our children's ministry staff have had complete background checks,
along with child Safety Training.
Children Birth to 3 years old
Our goal is to have a safe place for your baby or toddler to play, worship and learn about God in a loving setting. As they hear and see God's love being displayed, we hope that they will grow to love the Lord our Savior.

Children Ages 4-11
Our goal is to create an adventure while learning about the relationship that we can have with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We also want the children to build relationships with one another as they follow the instructions that are in the Bible.

Relational activities include:
Family Movie Night
Light the Night Celebration
Beach Day
Friendship Fair
Christmas Craft Day
Family Game Night
Vacation Bible School
Christmas Program

MELT Visits Adventurers